
Integrated Marketing Communications: An Overview

  Integrated Marketing Communications: An Overview      Organizations utilize integrated marketing communications (IMC) to brand and coordinate their communication efforts. IMC is defined by the American Association of Advertising Agencies as "a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communication impact." The main goal of an IMC strategy is to provide consumers with a consistent experience across all aspects of the marketing mix. Each marketing communication channel reinforces the brand's fundamental image and messaging by working together as part of a coherent whole rather than in isolation. The Growth of Marketing Communications from Fragmented to Integrated      Prior to the 1990s, mass communications—the process of delivering information to wide sectors of the population via television, radio, and other media—ruled marketing. Marketing

Can We still Breathe a Normal Air?

This pandemic gives us a lot of challenges, shocks, and deaths that make it as fast as a snap of a finger.    Every day the cases are going up and every day people are being positive and more people being loved are being killed by this virus that we cannot see.  Since the pandemic started I was only in our house, I am afraid to go out because I don't want to have this kind of sickness especially that my body is not that great when it comes to my immune system. My parents are already senior citizens so one will be infected it will infect us all and we don't want that to happen. But my parents are strong enough to save a lot of medicines like vitamins and boosters, foods that are good for our body and both of them are exercising well every day.  It's been hard for me because studying while working while this pandemic is really stressful.  It lets me decide to stop working and study first at home so I can help also my parents physically and this happened the time the pandemic